Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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725 lines
GenGui V1.0
©1994 by Matthias Meixner
Read the README file for the legal issues
This package is for layout and creation of graphical user interfaces (GUI).
Unlike some other programs like Gadtools, you do not draw your GUI just like
in a paint-program, but you describe the GUI in a kind of description
language. From this description GenGui generates a C-headerfile, wich
containes the description data in a form that is needed by the routines
which must be linked to your program and which do the real work on runtime.
1. The basic idea:
The description of the Gui is box oriented. Every box affects the size
and position of the objects inside the box. A box has an orientation, which
determines the positions of the objects in a box, in a vertical box the
first object is on top and all other objects are below this one, in a
horizontal box, the first one is on the most left side. Within a box every
object can have a relative size, a size absolut in characters or a size
absolut in pixels or a mixture of the last two. This object can be a new box,
a gadget or a custom "gadget". This allows an easy generation of resizeable
Maybe you should get an example now:
Imagine you want to have a GUI, which looks like that:
| |
| +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ |
| |Text1| |Text2| |Text3| |
| +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ |
| |
| |
| |
The description would look like this:
PROJECTNAME Project1 // This is the name, which will be used
// in the generated source
HBOX // horizontal box
VREL 1 // the box has relative height
HREL 1 // and relative width
BUTTON // We want to generate a button
STDLINE 1 // with a height of one line plus spacing
HREL 1 // and relative width
TEXT "Text1" // "Text1" should be written in it
ID 1 // and maybe we want to identify it later
TEXT "Text2"
ID 2
TEXT "Text3"
ID 3
This would describe a GUI with three gadgets, each has (including an adequate
spacing) one third of the width of the window, and a height of one line.
Gengui offers some reasonable defaultvalues for the different types of
objects, which significantly reduce the size of the description:
TEXT "Text1"
ID 1
TEXT "Text2"
ID 2
TEXT "Text3"
ID 3
Maybe you want the first button to be double as wide as the other two
HREL 2 // now this button gets 2 parts of the width of this box
TEXT "Text1"
ID 1
BUTTON // whereas this button gets only one part,
TEXT "Text2"
ID 2
BUTTON // and this one too
TEXT "Text3"
ID 3
Now lets think of something like that:
| |
| +-------------+ |
| | | |
| +-------------+ |
| |
| +--------+ |
| | | |
| +--------+ |
| |
| +---+ |
| | | |
| +---+ |
| |
The first button has three times the size and the second one two times the
size of the last button.
VBOX // Now one button is above the other !
HREL 3 // Three thimes the size
TEXT "Text1"
ID 1
HREL 2 // two times the size of the last button.
TEXT "Text2"
ID 2
TEXT "Text3"
ID 3
And now a last example for this topic:
| |
| +------+ |
| | | |
| +------+ |
| |
| +--+ +------+ |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| +--+ +------+ |
| |
VBOX // left box
VBOX // this creates the empty place in the top left corner
VBOX // right box
HREL 2 // of double width
2. The description language
These are keywords for the description languange. It does not distinguish
between lower- and uppercase. Some keywords more than one name, since i could
not decide wich one would be more easy to remember :). These other names
can be found in the brackets ().
Every command must be on a separate line, comments begin with '//' and mark
the rest of the line as comment.
Everything between these two lines will be directly included in the
generated output. These keywords must begin on the first column !
These are the commands that are used to describe the objects of the GUI:
BUTTON : Normal button, default size HREL 1, STDLINE 1
CHECKBOX : Checkbox, default size HCAR 2, VCHAR 1
CUSTOM : Custom Gadget, default size HREL 1, VREL 1,
Read also the chapter about custom gadgets !
CYCLE : Cycle-gadget, default size HREL 1, STDLINE 1
HBOX : horizontal box, default size: HREL 1, VREL 1
INTEGER : Integer-gadget, default size HREL 1, STDLINE 1
LISTVIEW : default size HREL 1, VREL 1
MX : MX-gadget, default size HREL 1, VREL 1
NUMBER : Number-gadget, default size HREL 1, STDLINE 1
PALETTE : Palette-gadget, default size HREL 1, VREL 1
SCROLLER : Scroller, default size HREL 1, VREL 1
SLIDER : Slider, default size HREL 1, VREL 1
STRING : String-gadget, default size HREL 1, STDLINE 1
TEXT : Text-gadget, default size HREL 1, STDLINE 1
VBOX : vertical box, default size: HREL 1, VREL 1
Each of these commads defines a block, which must be terminated by "END"
Commands specifying the size of the objects:
HCHAR chars : Absolute width of 'chars' characters
HPIX pixel : Absolute width of 'pixel' pixels
HREL size : Relative width
STDCOL chars : Absolute width of 'chars' characters plus 4 pixels space
STDLINE chars : Absolute height of 'chars' characters plus 4 pixels space
VCHAR chars : Absolute height of 'chars' characters
VPIX pixel : Absolute height of 'pixel' pixels
VREL size : Relative height
XSPACE xs : Set the amount of horizontal space between gadgets to
xs pixels, defaults to INTERWIDTH
(only allowed within HBOX/VBOX)
YSPACE ys : Set the amount of vertical space between gadgets to
ys pixels, defaults to INTERHEIGHT
(only allowed within HBOX/VBOX)
Commands for the description of gadget-specific data:
CUSTOM func : Set the custom function for custom-gadgets.
NOTE: this is only valid within a custom-object and since
it is written the same way as the CUSTOM-object
the meaning of CUSTOM only depends on the context.
FLAGS flagset : Set the flags of the gadget (-> ng_Flags)
NOTE: it is possible spread the flags to more than one
FLAGS command e.g.:
would have the same effect as
HOOK function : Set a hook function that is called, when the gadget sends
a message. See also the chapter on hook-functions.
ID id : Set the ID of the gadget (-> ng_GadgetID)
NOTE: id must not contain any whitespace characters !
TAGS tags : Set the tags for a gadget. You need not set TAG_DONE,
since this is automatically done. You may use more than
one TAGS command per gadget, e.g.
TAGS a,b
TAGS c,d
would have the same effect as
TAGS a,b,c,d
TEXT string : Set the text for the gadget (-> ng_GadgetText)
TEXTATTR textattr : Set ng_TextAttr. By default the standart font of the
window is used for the gadgets.
USER userdata : Set user data. You can access the user data via the
macro GetUserData().
NOTE: the field ng_UserData is required by GenGui itself,
but therefore it has another field reserved for
this purpose.
General note: The parameters of all these commands may be preprocessor
symbols, in fact they are just passed on to the generated
3. What's generated by GenGui
GenGui takes the descriptionfile and generates two headerfile. The first
headerfile contains the full data of the descriptionfile and some required
or useful defines. First it contains a struct WinInfo that has the name which
was set using the command projectname. This struct is required for rendering
the GUI to the window, therefore it is the most important structure in the
headerfile. Furthermore an array of pointers to gadgets is allocated in the
headerfile. This array has the name of the project plus the suffix "_Gadgets"
and contains the pointers to the gadgets which you require for e.g. setting
new attributes of the gadgets. To know which entry in this array belongs to
a certain gadget, GenGui generates a definition for every Gadget, which tells
you which entry belongs to a certain gadget. The name of this definition
consists of two parts: the projectname and, seperated by an underscore, the
ID of the gadget. OK, let's have a simple example to illustrate, how you
would use it. The second headerfile has the extension "_def.h" and contains
only the structure definitions, the prototypes and the #defines. It is
useful if you want to access the GUI from another module.
This could be a description of a GUI:
#define ExampleButton 1 // I want to have a more telling name than a number
Projectname Test
TEXT "Test"
ID ExampleButton
To render the GUI to the window you would use:
And to change the attributes of the gadget you would use:
GT_SetGadgetAttrs(Test_Gadgets[Test_ExampleButton],window,NULL, ... );
For accessing the contents of string- or integergadgets there are two macros
GetString() and GetNumber(), which take the address of the gadget and return
the contents of the gadget. Since GenGui needs the field "UserData" for
internal use and it reserves another field for this purpose, it generates a
new macro GetUserData() that fullfills the purpose to accessing this field
for userdata.
For the handling of customgadgets you require some additional defines:
First there are some modes defined, whose meaning is explained in the
chapter for customgadgets. Furthermore there is a macro GetInfo(), which
gives you the address of the GadInfo that corresponds to a given gadget.
The other structures in the headerfile contain the actual data that
describes the GUI. Since they are not important for the programmer their
names consist of the projectname and an extension of some numbers and
If you want to know more of what can be found in the headerfile you should
have a look at the generated source :).
4. Writing code using GenGui
The first thing you have to do is to write the file with the description of
the GUI in the description-language, that was presented in chapter 2. The
filename must have the extension .gui. The next step is to compile this
description to a normal C-headerfile using GenGui:
GenGui file.gui
You will get two headerfiles: file.h and file_def.h
"file.h" contains the data of the GUI and "file_def.h" contains all from
"file.h" except for the data itself.
There are two important aspects:
- You must use Gui_GetIMsg() instead of GT_GetIMsg()!
- You must use Gui_SetGadgetAttrs() instead of GT_SetGadgetAttrs()!
The following example will show you how to use these GUI's within your own
#include "file.h" // include the headerfile that was generated by GenGui
struct IntuiMessage msg;
struct WIndow *win;
int run=1;
. Now open all required libraries and the window. "win" must point to
. the newly opened window.
/* The Projectname of the GUI is TestPro */
if(RenderGui(win,&TestPro)) {/* do the cleanup, send an error msg .... */}
/* RenderGui returns 0 if successful, an error code on failure */
while(run) {
WaitPort(win->UserPort); // you may use Wait instead, if you like :)
while(GuiGetIMsg(win->UserPort,&msg)) {
/* It is very important that you use this function instead of
GetMsg or GT_GetIMsg(), since it does some additional
actions !!! */
switch(msg.Class) {
case IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW: run=0;break;
case IDCMP_NEWSIZE: ResizeGui(&TestPro); // do the resizing
RefreshGui(&TestPro); // and the refresh
// ... and some more actions you need
FreeGui(&TestPro); // Free the gadgets
/* close the window and free the sources etc. */
When opening the window you should consider that it must be large enough to
have room for all gadgets. If the window is too small then the GUI will look
quite messed up. The easiest way to determine the needed size of the window
is to check the minimum size for topaz 8 and then scale this size depending
on the size of the used font.
5. Hook functions
For every gadget you may define a hook-function. This function is called
whenever Intuition sends a message for this gadget. It receives a copy of
the Intuimessage as parameter and must return an int as result. If you
return null then the Intuimessage is passed on to your main program, in the
other case the Intuimessage is ignored and your program will not receive
this message any more.
6. Custom gadgets
Custom gadgets are a very powerful element for generating graphical user
interfaces. They not only allow you to add gadgets other than gadtools
gadgets, you can also use it to render information to the window, that is
not really a gadget, for example some borders or texts, which should
be resizeable. And a special thing which you can create using customgadgets
are multiplexed user interfaces. "What's that?", you may ask. OK, I'll give
you an idea, what you can achieve by this. Imagine that there is not enough
room in the window to place all gadgets in it. Then you could have e.g. a
cyclegadget with which you can select the group of gadgets you want to
be visible in the window.
First at all every customgadget requires a function that handles the
creation of the "gadget". This function gets 7 arguments, the first one is
a pointer to a WinInfo structure, the second one is a pointer to a NewGadget
structure which was filled with all needed data (only MODE_NEW,MODE_RESIZE
and MODE_REFRESH). The third one is a pointer to a GadInfo and the last
four parameters describe the position and the width/height of the area of
NOTE: The area of the gadget also contains the spacing around the gadget.
The (suggested) dimensions of the gadget itself can be found in the
newgadget structure.
This function is called in several cases. It is not only called when the
gadget should be created, but also when it should be removed. There are
6 Modes, which are marked in 'Mode' field of the WinInfo structure.
The Modes are:
MODE_NEW: A new gadget should be created. If you create gadgets you
should add them to the GList 'Gadgets' in the WinInfo
structure and fill 'Prev' in the same structure with the
pointer to the last gadget.
MODE_RESIZE: The gadget should be resized. Note that you must store the
state of the gadget, e.g. the contents of a stringgadget and
if the gadget is disabled. You may store that information in
the Code field of the delivered GadInfo structure and the
information if it is disabled can be stored using the flag
BOXFLG_DISABLED in 'dim.Flags' of this structure. You must not
change any other bits in this field. Straight after this call
it will be called with MODE_RESTORE and only then it is
allowed to use GT_SetGadgetAttrs() to change the state of
gadtools gadgets, since during the MODE_REISZE call the
gadgets are not bound to the window yet and GT_SetGadgetAttrs()
would not work at this point.
MODE_REFRESH: Redraw the gadget. You need not redraw system-gadgets, since
RefreshGList() is called internally.
MODE_FREE: Free the gadget.
MODE_BACKUP: Store the complete information of the gadget e.g. in the
fields that are named in the description of MODE_RESIZE.
MODE_RESTORE: Restore the information that was stored with MODE_BACKUP or
If you just want to draw some lines, you should ignore the latter three
cases that are only important for the handling of gadgets or 'SubGui's. In
these cases the contents of the NewGadget structure are not valid, however
you will get a pointer to such a structure to avoid enforcer-hits.
You can also use the field Render in the WinInfo structure to determine if
you have draw your lines. It is set to 1 if drawing is needed and to 0 if
You must return 0 if everything was OK and any value !=0 if an error
If you want to draw some lines and render another GUI in this area you can
use "SubGuis". Therefore you must describe a complete GUI just like before
and render this GUI with SubGui() to the window. This function takes the
same parameters as RenderGui() plus four additional parameters which
describe the position and the dimensions of the GUI. You must call this
every time your customfunction is called. This function return 0 on success
and an value !=0 if an error occurred. In this case your function must
also return a value !=0 to tell that there was an error.
There is another thing that is possible using 'SubGuis', that are
multiplexed user-interfaces. You might have several groups of gadgets that
are rendered to the same place in the window and e.g. a global variable
decides which of these groups is displayed in the window. Note that you must
remove the complete GUI from the window first, if you want to switch the
groups, but you cannot use FreeGui(), since this would lose the complete
information that is stored in the GUI. StopGui() exists for this case. It
stores this information and removes the GUI after this. The next time you
call RenderGUI this information is restored. StopGUI() can also be used
if you want to keep informations although you want to close the window,
because you might reopen it later. See also the example for multiplexed
7. The functions in the runtime-library "gui_lnk.o"
struct IntuiMessage *Gui_GetIMsg(struct MsgPort *,struct IntuiMessage *)
You must call this function instead of GT_GetIMsg() or GetMsg(). Unlike
these function it requires also pointer to an 'IntuiMessage' structure
where it stores a copy of the received IntuiMessage. Internally it calls
GT_ReplyMsg(), therefore you need not call this any more. It returns
the pointer of the given IntuiMessage, if there is a message of interest
for the program, otherwise it returns NULL. This is for example the case
if you have a hook-function seleced for a gadget which returns a value
!=0 to indicate that the message may be ignored.
Gui_SetGadgetAttrs / Gui_SetGadgetAttrsA:
BOOL Gui_SetGadgetAttrsA(struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
struct Requester *, struct TagItem *)
BOOL Gui_SetGadgetAttrs(struct Gadget *, struct Window *,
struct Requester *, Tag, ...)
This is a replacemet for the function GT_SetGadgetAttrs of
gadtools.library. You must call this function instead of that of gadtools,
since Gengui needs to keep track of the information stored in the gadgets.
NOTE: Whereas the gadtools function returns VOID this one returns if it
was successful to modify the attributes. If there is not enough
memory it returns 0 to indicate that there was an error and the
attributes are not changed.
int RenderGui(struct Window *win, struct WinInfo *winfo)
RenderGui draws the gadgets to the window. You must supply the pointer
to the window and the pointer to the WinInfo structure of your GUI.
This one can be obtained by using the & operator on the name that was
selected using "PROJECTMAME" in the descriptionfile.
It returns 0 if everything was OK.
int ResizeGui(struct WinInfo *winfo)
This function is used to adapt the GUI to the new size when a window
has been resized. You must call this function every time you receive
a IDCMP_NEWSIZE message.
It returns 0 if everything was OK.
int RefreshGui(struct WinInfo *winfo)
This function is used to refresh the gadgets within the window.
It is only important if you are using SimpleRefresh, since only then it
is your job to refresh the window. If you are using SmartRefresh windows
then it should not be required since the system does that job for you.
It returns 0 if everything was OK.
void FreeGui(struct WinInfo *winfo)
FreeGui removes the gadgets from the window.
void StopGui(struct WinInfo *winfo)
StopGui() stores the information of the gadgets and removes them after
this from the window. RenderGui() will recognize if the information was
stored and will restore them if this was the case.
int SubGui(struct WinInfo *parent, struct WinInfo *winfo,
int left,int top,int width, int height)
SubGui allows to draw GUIs within another GUI. You must not use this
function for other purposes. It is not possible to render a GUI only
with this function. You must use RenderGui for this, since it allocates
some additional resources wich are also required by SubGui and must be
already allocated when SubGui is called.
void ClearWindow(struct Window *)
Removes all contents from the window, erases the inner of the window
with the EraseRect() and refreshes the windowborders.
8. Compiling
You need to compile gui_lnk.c in the Gui_lib directory and link this to
your program. Of course you need not recompile it every time. Just compile
it with your favourite C-compiler and then link gui_lnk.o to your program.